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Special Educational Needs & Disabilities

At Langley Park Primary School we are fully committed to the equal inclusion of all pupils. We recognise the diverse and individual needs of each pupil and take into account the additional support required by those children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).

Please read the SEND Policy and Guidelines and our SEND Parent Information Booklet below to find out more information about how we meet the needs of pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in our school.


The Government has asked all Local Authorities in the UK to publish, in one place, information about the services and provisions they expect to be available in their area for children and young people from 0 to 25 who have Special Educational Needs and/or a Disability (SEND)
This is known as the Local Offer Further information about the Local Offer can be found on the County Durham Families Information Service (FIS) Website
At Langley Park Primary School we are committed to the equal inclusion of all pupils in all areas of primary school life. We recognise the diverse and individual needs of all of our pupils and take into account the additional support required by those children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).

If you would like to discuss our SEND Information Report in detail please contact the school to arrange an appointment.

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