Phonics and Reading

Reading at Langley Park Primary School is at the very centre of our curriculum. Reading unlocks learning throughout every subject and has the ability to take us to wherever an author’s imagination leads us. We believe that all pupils should have the opportunity to be fluent, confident readers who can successfully comprehend, understand and most importantly, enjoy a wide range of texts.
Through the knowledge they gain from texts they read, we want pupils to develop a love of reading, a good understanding of a range of authors, and the world in which they live.
Leaders prioritise reading and have utilised our team's range of experience and expertise to design an exciting, sequential reading curriculum driven by high-quality texts, progressively building knowledge, understanding, and skills.
30 books to read before you are 11 1/2
The central core of our reading offer and our pupils' reading experiences is our 30 books to read before you are 11 1/2" – the aim is simple – to put great books at the heart of learning.
Our Bespoke Reading Curriculum
Our Reading Curriculum is based on several critical pieces of evidence:
We know that skilled reading depends on word reading and language comprehension. We used psychologist and literacy expert Hollis Scarborough's Read Rope to form the crux of our curriculum.
Reading for pleasure is also vitally important in a child's reading experiences. Not only is it well documented that there is a strong link between the amount of reading for pleasure students do and their reading achievement (Twist 2007), but also there are many social and non-literary benefits too – reading for pleasure can increase empathy, improve relationships, reduce the symptoms of depression and improve wellbeing (The Reading Agency 2015).
We used this evidence to plot a sequential reading curriculum that your child will follow through their time with us. Progression across our phases is evident. It covers a broad 'diet' of reading - the systematic teaching of phonics, whole class reading sessions, book club session, free reading, and Reading for Pleasure session (Storytime).
Phonics and early reading skills:
At Langley Park Primary School, teaching phonics (word reading) starting on the first day of Reception is key to our pupil's reading success. We want our pupils to make a strong start!
We teach every child to decode words using Read Write Inc – a highly successful systematic and structured approach, focusing on small step teaching, matched to our pupils' exact needs. Pupils who require additional support receive one-to-one FastTrack tutoring to help narrow any gaps and accelerate their progress.
Staff at our school receive regular training and specialist support to ensure your child gets phonics teaching proven to be effective and enable your child to read from an early age.
Ideally, pupils complete the programme towards the end of Year 2, where they will complete the RWI Comprehension units as transition between structured RWI sessions and KS2 whole-class reading lessons.