Friends of the School
Langley Park Friends of the School are a fundraising group that exists to benefit the children through purchasing additional curriculum items and also delivering activities which cannot be met from the school budget.
We raise money by hosting fundraising events and also by applying for grants
through various different organisations, such as AAP, CDCF, Coop, etc.
Over the last couple of years, we have had to reduce the number of ‘in-school’
fundraising activities taking place, focusing more on behind the scenes grant
In the last 24 months, we have secured funding from the Coop Community Grants Scheme, the local AAP and also CDCF EEF fund. This has enabled us to buy ipads, library and classroom books, maths resources and some new play equipment next to the field.
In Spring 2022 we relaunched our ‘in-school’ activities and started actively recruiting new volunteers to help run these events. If you would like to find out more information about Friends of the School and support the fundraising and fun events we are planning, please join our Facebook group ‘Langley Park Primary Friends of the School’ or contact the school for further information. We will widely advertise our events for Spring/Summer 2022 very soon.
In addition to supporting our ‘in-school ‘ events, you can help by:
ï‚·Choosing us as your Co-op Charity of Choice:
Shopping using Amazon Smile and again choose us as your charity of choice. (If on your first visit to AmazonSmile, you're prompted to select a charitable organization from our list of eligible organizations, please choose us.)
Letting us know if you are a parent or family member who works for a company that could do ‘match funding’, such as Barclays, Lloyds and Marks and Spencer. Please speak to Mrs Stirling or Mrs Burnip about this.
If you are self-employed or work for a company that is able to ‘sponsor’ our current projects, please get in touch. We would love to work with you and promote your business on our social media and at our events.
Our next big project:
Following the success of the backyard revamp, we are now working hard to raise the additional money needed to replace and revamp the equipment on the front yard.
We are going to need approximately £25,000 to do this. If you know of any
avenues/funding sources we may not have thought of, then please do get in touch.
We look forward to letting you know how we progressing.